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2½ Ring

Poponcini Poponcini 2½ Ring


Product description

Characteristics Poponcini Bits

  • Poponcini bits are characterized by having an extremely soft mouthpiece and guarantee optimal comfort for the sensitive horse's mouth.
  • The shape of the mouthpiece allows a horse to close its mouth properly, which means that it will relax more quickly and be much calmer with its head and tongue.
  • Poponchini bits have a non-toxic, anti-allergic silicone mouthpiece with a flexible metal core.

PLEASE NOTE: Because Poponcini bits are so soft, we can NOT give any WARRANTY on these bits!

2½ & 3 Ring Bit:

  • A 2½ & 3 Ring Snaffle is also called a Pessoa bit and can be recognized by the extra rings on top and at the bottom of the regular bit rings.
  • The top ring is used to attach the cheekpiece and the bottom ring the rein.
  • When using the rein, the top ring will tilt forward and create leverage.
  • The strength of the impact is determined by the type of mouthpiece, material and number of rings.
  • A 2½ ring snaffle is therefore less effective than a 3 ring snaffle.

Straight mouthpiece features:

  • A straight mouthpiece consists of 1 piece and gives pressure on the tongue, layers and lips.
  • The shape and thickness of the mouthpiece determine where the pressure will be in the mouth.
  • A straight mouthpiece with a tongue port gives more pressure on the layers and keeps the tongue free.
  • The straighter and thicker the mouthpiece, the more pressure on the tongue.
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