Horse Pilot airbag body protector for equestrian sport Horseback riding is a passionate sport, but it can also be a dangerous sport. In all disciplines of equestrian sport, regardless of level, injuries can be caused by a fall. The Horse Pilot Airbag jacket is a thin and innovative body protector that protects the vital areas such as abdomen, chest, neck, shoulders, back and spine of the rider in the event of a fall.
What is an airbag jacket? An airbag jacket is a thin, unobtrusive softshell jacket with a built-in airbag and very light to wear. The airbag jacket has an elastic cord that is attached to the stirrup hooks of the saddle. When you fall, the magnetic closure releases and automatically activates the airbag system, so that the airbag jacket is completely inflated in a fraction of a second. The airbag jacket functions as a cushion and thus protects the vital areas such as abdomen, chest, neck, shoulders, back and spine of the rider.
gas cartridge The gas cartridge and cartridges of the airbag jacket are thin and ergonomic to be as discreet and comfortable as possible. Upon activation of the airbag system, the 4 small gas cylinders in the cartridge are immediately emptied to inflate the entire airbag in a fraction of a second. After activation, the gas cartridge must be replaced. These are available separately.