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Lurax 200 ml

Cavalor Cavalor Lurax 200 ml


  • Lurax 200 ml
    • Lurax 200 ml


    Cavalor Lurax 200 ml


    €38,95 Incl. tax

    • SKU: E77213M000000

    In stock

    Cavalor Lurax Cream is a soothing skin ointment that stimulates wound healing, reduces scars and ensures that hair grows back to its natural color faster. Cavalor Lurax Cream provides skin cells with nutrients that are important for regeneration.

    Product description

    Cavalor Lurax

    Cavalor Lurax Cream is a soothing skin ointment that stimulates wound healing, reduces scars and ensures that hair grows back to its natural color faster.

    Cavalor Lurax Cream provides skin cells with nutrients that are important for regeneration, resulting in less scar tissue and faster hair growth. On the other hand, the cooling and soothing effect counteracts irritations, so that the wound can heal quietly. In addition, the risk of inflammation is reduced, because Cavalor Lurax Cream has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Cavalor Lurax Cream is extremely suitable as a wound ointment, but can also be used to relieve itching from skin irritations or pain from sunburn.

    Apply a layer of Cavalor Lurax Cream daily to clean wounds or irritated skin to ensure natural and efficient healing.

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